Thursday, December 10, 2009
Jet Jewelry

Monday, December 7, 2009
ETSY Gift Guide secret
ETSY Gift Guide secret
In this post I’d like to share with you some little tips how to stay in Gift Guide a bit longer. If you know this secret your are smarter then me. LOL J
So the first thing in the morning – go to the great place HEART-O-MATIC - type your store name and click on Featured section.
If you found one of your item featured in a Gift Guide – make sure that you’ve got 2 of this items in stock!!! It’s very important!
If your item will be sold from Gift Guide you’ll be out of there. But if you’ll have 2 in stock one sold one will stay there
Lucky you ! More people will see you there!
I still have this item in Gift Guide I sold at list 10 of them and half of this was from Gift Guide!
One more thing! I noticed that 90% of my customers are the buyers only or the people who are purchased the same day the sign up with Etsy!
Hope this was a helpful tip for you!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
From fun to unique
From fun to unique
So today was the day when somebody asked me to make necklace out of my best selling items. Looks like most of us felling these quotes by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich – Well behaved women rarely make history!
I sold bunch of rings, key chains and now necklace!
It’s was the same day as always and I was making photography to post this necklace in my shop – but you can’t stop your creativity. And the necklace came to the shape of women!
Creative ?! Simple?! Unique ?! - I think yes! And I know I will sell this a lot !

Try to make something unusual from your crafts and people will get this WOW COOL factor and you’ll be happy get some sales.