
Friday, November 14, 2008

Make Sales with Fun

Every day must be something new go and discover it!

One day it was Twitter – very great place for promotion and chatting and just have fun with millions of people. Then somebody from there invited me to join the group Unique~Women~in~Business well It take me about 2-3 days to think about and I jumped in! I’m there only 2 days but I already feel love from those who already there !
Once you are in it’s a great community with promotions each other – making sales and just meet new friends. You shop will be added in MySpace page and the team blog list.
The questions :
1. Why I should joined ?
- Well it’s up to you – either you will sit and complain for no sales or you will try to find some other place to show your creative stuff to the world.
2. Is it free ?
- Well every month you should make one purchase from any shop there – list growing everyday the minimum purchase is $4 – So you pay $4 for the Month of having fun. How many times do you renew - (wink) – better get into the other place where people are interested in buying.
3. Can Sales be guarantee ?
- Well sales people know – your sales can be up and down. But with this team – every person you bring into – must make one purchase from you . Minimum $4 – maximum – who knows ?
4. Do you want to be the part of the team ?!
- Then click here and tell Margarita referred you!
And remember everything must be as a FUN - if you don't get FUN - it's not cool.
Rita Sunderland.


  1. I've gone back and forth in considering a twitter account. I actually tried setting one up a short while ago and my addy was too long to be a valid twitter name - and that put me off.

    But I keep hearing such good things!

    Hmm ...

  2. Twitter is just for those if you have time to chat or boring and want to hear what other talking about it's cool :)! You know Sometimes this days happend - don't want do anything just Killing the time :)!

  3. Great photo! I'll have to consider Twitter!

  4. I hate to do this to you but TAG your it. Don't be angry! :) You can see my blog for details. They got me too.
