
Friday, November 7, 2008

Russia - Moscow miss you

It happened that I’ve been in Moscow city twice this year – in January and September.
January trip was very fast - only two weeks. September – the whole month was occupied with family friends, my business there, and it seemed not enough time again! Well, now life seems a kind of normal again: Etsy, working, creating, and playing with my baby.
But something is missing… yes, I still miss my Mom and my Sister... Every Friday when I was there we had a girls’ party at home - just only three of us – it was always fun… now only phone calls and ICQ messages.
And as a reminder of my time there, and coming up winter time I made those earrings - Russian winter… and it's really fun - once I listed them one of my friend back in Russia ordered them right away.


  1. I like this post! The pictures I have seen from Russia are very beautiful! I have a very good blogger friend who lives in Moscow who I would like to go visit someday. She just told me that my beadwork is published in Handmade Magazine there! So, she is sending me a copy! Also, my beadwork is featured on this Russian beading newsletter! Even though I wrote the article, I still wish I could read it! Anyways, I will try to stop by your blog again sometime! :)

  2. thank you for you nice words :!)
    I'll be posting more about Russia :)! so feel free to come and folow me :)!

  3. great story...and beautiful earrings!

  4. Thank you for following me! I will add you to my Google reader! :D

  5. Hello,
    That is nice that you got to visit your family, and sad that you can't see them all the time.
    What beautiful earrings!

    Thanks for leaving me a comment! :o)
    Have a great day!
