
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

USPS international delivery

Wrap it good

I found this on-line and wanted to share with you! Here is one more reason to wrap it good! - NOPE not Good - GREAT !!! You don't want your customers were complain about broken goods inside the package?!

It's fun for them - it's sad for Us - But Such is Life!


  1. We are just lucky they are not throwing the packages into the Jet Engine!

  2. I's terrible! I thinked than only russian post do something like this!

  3. AWFUL! most of those people really don't care at all. showing who they really are when they arn't in your face.

  4. I can personally say..having worked for the USPS for 17 years..that I NEVER saw such a thing occur..most of us took pride in our work,..dont let the foolishness of a few..distort your image of postal workers..this I assure is not the norm..don't 99% of your packages get to you in excellent condition...they should have been fired and caught on tape too??
