
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Little Diva - children jewelry

Welcome back to my readers. The other day there was finally a bit of sunshine here in Seattle and my daughter Alexcia (5 years old) was digging through my gemstones trying to take part in a new creation. Then she stopped and said, “I wish I had a beautiful necklace and bracelet”. So I thought why not? When she was 2-3 years old I was trying to make her some bracelets, but you know (if you’ve got baby girl)… we all want to put pretty and shiny things on them since the day they were born. However the truth is that usually most items ended up broken or thrown out of the stroller. Now that she turned five, she wanted jewelry and pretty things for herself. Good for her and for me, because now I know she will not ruin her new jewelry.
After I made a couple of sets, the fun parts began; she was modeling her new treasures. With great weather that day and the new jewelry made especially for her, it set the perfect mood for some photo shots and the results were just awesome.
“Little divas”, became the name of the new jewelry line for the cutest of girls. The whole idea was to make the same quality and design ideas like I make for adults. This meant using natural stones and pearls set in sterling silver or gold filled settings.
Now I need your help as my potential buyers:
  • Kids jewelry do you think it is a good idea? Yes or No
  • Natural materials or synthetics, which do you want to see on your children?
  • Will your daughter wear jewelry, just like mommy?
  • What do you think a good price range for high quality items for girls should be?


  1. I have boys so couldn't comment on your questions but I wanted to say, again, that your jewelry is beautiful. As is your daughter! :-)

  2. your jewelry are so lovely! I think that children jewelry is a very good idea! You really are a talented designer jewelry! great work! Congratulations and best of luck!

  3. I think jewelry for girls is a wonderful idea. It just depends on the girl who would be wearing it...if she'd wear it. I would say to make it as affordable as possible w/ a few nice pieces here and there for those who want more.


  4. Your daughter is adorable and how lucky is she to have mom that makes a gorgeous jewelry?

    I am a mom with a house full of testosterone even the dog so I am with Alison....


  5. My daughter was given a few pieces of nice jewelry as a young girl that she still wears as a teen! stumbled!

  6. I think kids jewelry is a great idea. My daughter always asks to wear stuff from my jewelry box, and she would love to have some special things of her own.

  7. I think kids jewelry is a great idea. My daughter always asks to wear stuff from my jewelry box, and she would love to have some special things of her own.

  8. I don't have any children but I'm thinking about my nieces. One is a tween tomboy but she does like wearing a simple, elegant necklace when she is forced to dress up for special occasions.

    My 18-month-old niece is already into bling (her mother is a dancer, so I'm guessing she wants to get dressed up like Mommy). She will daintily rest her hand on a table when eating so that everyone can admire her latest bracelet.

    I think faux gems are more practical for jewelry for church and nice parties but have one or two precious gems for special occasions.
