
Monday, October 21, 2013

Weekly Vintage Finds. №3

I'm so happy and excited with my new vintage store on ETSY. the best part is when you receive a sale within couple hours after the item has been posted.

I'm very glad that vintage Dr. Martens found  new place right before the winter time. Those awesome boots were less then a week in my store and got SOLD :)

I also was happy with this Saddle over the shoulder bag. It was SOLD within 2 hours !

This  week was very lucky with the finds. Early I did make a post with COACH bag! And today I'm posting several new collages with vintage handbags and vintage jewelry.

We have got a couple designer handbags here 
Juicy Couture - green fabric and cow leather handbag 
Prada  logo - canvas unlabeled tote bag 
Dior - unlabeled bag. 

I'm still trying to research and identify Prada logo canvas bag   but I do love unique way of it. This is the view from the top. I like how the zipper designed. 

It's a pretty clean and nice inside canvas bag with PRADA logo
So let's see how long it will take  to sell this  Prada handbag. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Vintage COACH hand bag.

Weekend for COACH vintage bag. 

I was so happy when I found this adorable original COACH hand bag on today vintage hunt for my new sore Once Lost Boutique. 
Vintage COACH two ton bag
COACH purse for SALE 

After I came home I start learning how to  identify coach purses
I got a lot of information on e-bay and other sources. 

After studding a bit I learned those tips which will help me for feature hunts

- Serial number is a must (Bags from the late 1960's did not have any serial numbers. Coach added actual serial numbers that were unique to each bag in the 1970s into the 1980s. It was not until the 1990s, that Coach introduced the modern format of letters and numbers, with the last set of numbers after the dash, indicating the 'style' of the bag.
-  If your COACH bag is made in KOREA - it's a loud bell for the FAKE one 
-  Letter A in  in logo should be always with the SHARP top - no flat one. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Weekly Vintage Finds. №2

Welcome to my Weekly Vintage Finds. This week was very excited. We found a couple cool shoes and a lovely vintage handbags.

One of my favorite find is a red vinyl PUMA bag. I was so excited to find it because back in Russia I did have the same one back in 1980-th.

Dr. Martens  - women boots in great condition 
Puma - vintage bag 
Dan Post - awesome cowgirl boots 
Jack Pursel -  platform converse  

I also was happy to see one of my item in this Redskins treasury! Let's hope that this treasury will be hot as of the new trending topic about  possible new designs for the possibly renamed Washington Redskins. I'm not to big in gaming but let's see how this will ended up. 

Hope you will enjoy this Redskins  treasury 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Weekly Vintage Finds. №1

Looks like I'm back in to Vintage. Couple weeks ago one of my friend invited me to her birthday party. Cool thing, but she decided to make it a party from 1989!
Yes, time for the vintage shopping.

I need to tell you that it was a lot of fun. Me and my family spend about 2 hours at Goodwill and I created my total outfit under 30 bucks. Cool!

Here is one photo from the dressing room. I didn't think I will do this - but I did.

The party was awesome and I remembered how couple years ago I was having a lot of fun with my Vintage Shop on Etsy. That's how I decided to start a new spin in this fun adventure. Another push for me was the terms of vintage. Now everything from 90-th it's already vintage.  Did you know that if it's 20 years old it's already vintage? Yes, I still remember what I was wearing in 1990 and now I think it will be more easy for me  and for my customers.

Not thinking too long we decided to open Once Lost Boutique shop on Etsy.
Every week I'll be posting what we found  and what is available for sale at our new vintage shop.

Our main focus will be on vintage shoes and clothes. Maybe some vintage bags and vintage sport hats.  So stop by and look what we found for you.

Weekly Vintage Finds. Week #1 

vintage shopping on-line
Vintage Adidas  brown with white leather shoes. 
Mustang boots - awesome natural leather boots made in Spain 
Cole Haan - loafer slip in burgundy red color 
SelBy heels - adorable shoes with chain elements. 

For more Vintage Clothing please visit OnceLostBoutique shop.