
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Weekly Vintage Finds. №1

Looks like I'm back in to Vintage. Couple weeks ago one of my friend invited me to her birthday party. Cool thing, but she decided to make it a party from 1989!
Yes, time for the vintage shopping.

I need to tell you that it was a lot of fun. Me and my family spend about 2 hours at Goodwill and I created my total outfit under 30 bucks. Cool!

Here is one photo from the dressing room. I didn't think I will do this - but I did.

The party was awesome and I remembered how couple years ago I was having a lot of fun with my Vintage Shop on Etsy. That's how I decided to start a new spin in this fun adventure. Another push for me was the terms of vintage. Now everything from 90-th it's already vintage.  Did you know that if it's 20 years old it's already vintage? Yes, I still remember what I was wearing in 1990 and now I think it will be more easy for me  and for my customers.

Not thinking too long we decided to open Once Lost Boutique shop on Etsy.
Every week I'll be posting what we found  and what is available for sale at our new vintage shop.

Our main focus will be on vintage shoes and clothes. Maybe some vintage bags and vintage sport hats.  So stop by and look what we found for you.

Weekly Vintage Finds. Week #1 

vintage shopping on-line
Vintage Adidas  brown with white leather shoes. 
Mustang boots - awesome natural leather boots made in Spain 
Cole Haan - loafer slip in burgundy red color 
SelBy heels - adorable shoes with chain elements. 

For more Vintage Clothing please visit OnceLostBoutique shop. 

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