If you missed
Day 1 - IrinaPhotography - photography
Day 2 - AllMadeWithLove - leather, gems jewelry
Day 3 - Jezek - felted accesores, scarfs etc
Gifts for him! Do you know how hard to shop for our lovely boyfriends, father, husband? Looks like they have everything or they don’t need anything. Today I’ll show you Shrimp Salad Circus Vintage shop on Etsy
Etsy Buy Vintage shrimpsaladcircus |
“Shrimp Salad Circus is Lindsay & Marion. We graduated from Alabama together (cue obligatory "Roll Tide"), trekked a small portion of the world for a bit, and are now sadly located several states apart. We've both lost countless hours scouring thrift store after thrift store looking for God-knows-what and have accumulated more vintage whatnots (purses, mainly) than we'd probably be comfortable admitting. Despite our attachment to all this fabulous stuff, we can't keep buying it up at this rate, so we're passing it along to you!”