Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Celebrity Handmade Gifts

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Cooking at Home. Bulgar Salad.
1-1/4 lbs. dry bulgar wheat
1.5-2 oz. of shredded Parmesan cheese (Asagio or other hard cheeses will work too.)
1 Tablespoon Sea salt
1/4 Tablespoon Black pepper
2/3 Tablespoon dry Dill
1 Tablespoon dry Basil
1/4 bunch Cilantro
1/4 bunch Parsley
1/4 bunch flat parsley or Italian parsley
1 Lemon
3-4 Roma Tomatoes
3-4 pieces of Garlic
3 oz. chopped Almonds
1 bunch small Green onions
1/4 cup White vinegar
3 Tablespoons Olive oil
Let's start :
Use fine grater to grate lemon rind.
Then chop up the fresh herbs and put in a bowl, add in dry herbs and salt.
Squeeze in juice from lemon and add in white vinegar on top of herbs. Chop tomatoes and put them on top of the herbs.
Boil bulgar wheat until it just starts to get on the soft side of chewy. Rinse bulgar with cold water and strain several times until bulgar is cool and the water runs clear. (This gets rid of the starchy water and keeps the bulgar from being clumpy or sticky.)
Put bulgar and the ingredients from the first bowl into a large bowl, add in olive oil and stir.
Next add in almonds, lemon zest and cheese then stir thoroughly. Refrigerate at least 4 hours and you will have a delightfully light and zesty springtime salad. Makes about 10 servings, if you are lucky!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Private Sale. Handmade Jewelry

Look What I Made
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Cooking at Home. Spring Rolls
4 cups of lightly cooked bisamati rice
½ head small cabbage
6 larger green onions
6 larger pieces of garlic
2 sheets of seaweed roasted
One, about 3 inch long, piece of ginger root (skin peeled)
2 medium carrots
Crab meat of your choice or budget
1 teaspoon of white pepper
3 table spoons of soy sauce
1 tablespoon of fish sauce (I used three crabs brand)
1 package of frozen spring roll dough of your choice
1 egg white whipped
I cut the cabbage thinly; then chopped the garlic and ginger, I then sliced the green onions and crushed the 2 sheets of seaweed, and I grated the carrots finely. I put it all into a large bowl and mixed it with the white pepper and the fish sauce. I put about 4 table spoons of vegetable oil in the wok on med high heat, and then I added the cooked rice and soy sauce while continually stirring. I then added the bowl of mixed ingredients once the rice became even in color. I stir fried while stirring just until the cabbage starts to become soft.
I lay each sheet of dough and add 1 heaping teaspoon of the cooled mix on to the first third of the dough. Then I fold the sides over the mix and start my roll. I finished the roll by brushing egg white on before the end to act as glue. This makes 25 to 35 egg rolls. You can freeze them just be sure to use wax paper between so they do not stick together. You can pan fry or deep fry them until deep golden brown.
These are simple fast and delicious, plus by using rice instead of the usual glass noodles the are much more filling. That is awesome when you have hungry kids.
If you family is not into seafood skip the crab and fish sauce, instead try tofu, pork or chicken. If you want less filling and more traditional egg rolls the replace rice with more cabbage or glass noodles.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Wedding Jewelry Challenge. Day 3 - 5
They are already listed at RitaSunderland.com and waiting for the brides.
Monday, March 5, 2012
2012 MTV - what's next ?!

Believing in positive thinking and the law of attraction
I always knew if you doing what you want to do and not what you need to do, that you are in a harmony with yourself. You are not stressing out; you simply enjoy your life and are attracting more and more good things in your life. I know finding this is not easy during these times. So as only you will dig in and find the right road for yourself, everything will come to fruition with happy colors.
It was only one month ago I discovered information about The Artisan Group and I joined this group of artisans. My discovery was too late to participate in the gift lounge event at the 2012 Oscars. As luck would have it, the next big event is MTV movie awards. Most of the available spots were already reserved as well and only business cards spots were left.
I spent a couple of days thinking whether or not I should join this event. Life is like a game, you make rules and you spend the rest of your life modifying these rules to grow as you grow. So I said to myself: “If I sell one brand new design necklace within this week, then it will be a sign that I need to participate in the 2012 MTV event.” Well today was the day! One of my wedding necklaces sold within 10 hours being posted.
Now as fate would have it I and my business cards will be a part of the 2012 MTV Movie Award TAG team! I hope someone discovers me and my jewelry creations!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Wedding Challenge. Day Two.
Good afternoon to everybody who is following me on my Wedding Jewelry Challenge. Today is my second day - and so far so good. After settle down from great news (I will post about this later) I finished beautiful cream color pearls and rock crystal necklace.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Wedding Challenge. Day One.
Wedding Jewelry Challenge

What is the biggest dream of most women? Typically it is the dream of finding a perfect love and a white wedding. In Russia most common month for weddings is September. So, I asked myself the other day :
“What is the most popular wedding month in USA?”
After searching I found out that the most popular wedding months in United States are May 13.21%, June 15.97% and July 11.53%.
I need to encourage myself to design as many handmade wedding jewelry pieces as I can by wedding season, I will challenge myself to make at list one new piece a day. Our life is very unpredictable by nature and I don’t know if I can accomplish this, but I’ll aim to do most of it.
My goal is to design jewelry using most popular wedding colors, most common dress styles, and to enhance different body shapes etc. Every day I’ll be posting one new design of jewelry here and directly to my website RitaSunderland.com where you can find those pieces for sale at the Wedding collection.
If you are artistic and are making jewelry, then would like to take a challenge with me? Feel free to post your creations, it’s not necessary to post every day. Even if you will make 2-3 nice designs it’ll be great to share with the world.

<div align="center"><a href="http://knotartwa.blogspot.com/2012/03/wedding-jewelry-challenge.html" title="Wedding Jewelry Challenge"><img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-cEq7woA56Ps/T0_FAFttlCI/AAAAAAAAAn0/nSNyxFRrkfY/s302/challenge+wedding.jpg" alt="Wedding Jewelry Challenge" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
To submit your link I will ask you to share this banner into your blog and let’s spread the word about this challenge. It should be a fun wedding season for all!
At the end of each week I'll make a collage with all submitted handmade jewelry.